OnceLost Games “Reverse Q&A” Video

OnceLost Games, a team of passionate veteran developers, is currently working on a yet to be announced open-world RPG that aims to combine complex role-playing mechanics with high production values and numerous quality of life features. And in order to figure out what exactly their prospective customers want in an RPG, the developers presented them with a series of questions roughly a month back.

The team then responded to some of the answers with an hour and a half long reverse Q&A video. Check it out:

So we asked you all to post your answers to 10 questions we posed in our subreddit, and here is our response to a select number of them! Join Ted , Julian, Vijay and Ian on our very first video appearance on the OnceLost Games YouTube channel!

We have a huge journey ahead of us, but we really want your input and feedback on how to make the best game we possibly can.

Stay tuned for more videos, including Spotlight videos on worldbuilding, quest systems and art direction.

Here are the initial questions:

  • What makes you excited about the possibilities of this game?
  • What made you want to learn more about the project?
  • What’s the most memorable, unscripted thing that’s ever happened to you in an RPG?
  • What’s your favorite non-combat thing to do in an RPG?
  • What’s the least satisfying part of RPGs for you?
  • What kind of character do you usually play, and what kind do you WISH you could play? Not just late-game power fantasy (king, head of a guild, a lich, a god), but in the start and middle of the game.
  • In what proportions are you an Achiever, Killer, Socializer and Explorer (according to the diagram located below these questions):
    • Killers: These characters enjoy creating chaos and challenging authority by attempting to alter the functioning of the game’s world and and trying to affect the experience for other players.
    • Achievers: Their goal is to accumulate status, loot, and points by winning the various battles within in the game; they tend to follow the game’s rules (unlike the killers).
    • Explorers: They want to discover the systems that govern the function of the game world, understand their technicalities and uniquenesses, and learn how to take advantage of them.
    • Socializers: They want to form connections with other characters by telling stories, discovering information via dialogue, and working together within the game.
  • Where do you go for trusted game news and reviews, especially for Computer RPGs?
  • Would you be interested in contributing to development (writing in game books, beta testing, etc.)?
  • What is a gameplay feature you haven’t seen (or or is very rare) in an RPG, that you would like to see in the future?
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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