Official PoR Website Updates

The official Pool of Radiance website has been updated with eighteen brand new screenshots, as well as an interview with the producer, Chuck Yager. Here’s a snippet from the interview:

    Q: Will the NPCs ever do their own thing? Do members of your party interact? Why a mandatory two slots for NPCs?

    A: Throughout the course of the game, you run across a total of 8 NPCs that will join your party and a host of others that won’t. It is up to you whether or not you let them join up; if you changed your mind, they can usually be found later on in sections of the game. As for doing their own thing, some NPCs have their own agendas, but if they are in your party, they are doing your thing. We didn’t want to create conflict within the party nor confusion about which mission was more important. We left two slots open for NPCs to give the player the chance to try out some different characters if they wished.after all, you might decide you rather like the sorcerer/fighter more than your ranger and want to swap them out.

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