Of Orcs and Men Reviews

We have rounded up a couple of additional reviews for Cyanide’s latest, the fantasy action-RPG Of Orcs and Men, which so far has garnered a middling reception.

RipTen, 5.0/10.

Of Orcs And Men feels like a game that very much wants to be from the 2003-2009 period of Bioware games. Unfortunately, the game lacks the depth that games like Dragon Age: Origins and the first Mass Effect had. From the lite levelling system, bland mechanics, lack of side quests and interesting characters therein, weak world lore, tired character tropes, and terrible pacing, the game doesn’t capture the magic that Bioware games from that period had. If Bioware’s own flee from those games in favor of shooters and MMOs have left you in withdrawal, Of Orcs And Men might be the shot of methadone you need. For anyone else, you’ll have to find your deep RPG hit somewhere else.

Gaming Illustrated, 61%.

Of Orcs and Men is a flawed game with some real potential in plenty of areas. However, after a while the dialogue becomes abrasive and hard to deal with. The combat while having some solid foundations tends to get repetitive and leaves the player wanting some more depth. One of the biggest strengths is the game’s music, which is done extremely well and pairs great with the game’s world. The story itself has some great themes and a solid premise, but the writing in other aspects ends up hurting the promising story. The game is not terrible and has promise, but there are some missteps that keep the game from joining the ranks of the better fantasy RPGs to come out in the past few years.

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