NWN Dungeon Master Review @ Neverwinter Connections

Fansite Neverwinter Connections has taken a bit of a twist on writing a Neverwinter Nights review by focusing entirely on the DM client. In the review, they discuss a few problems they’ve found and reveal a few tips on how to make your DMing more enjoyable:

    – Try and have more Dungeon Masters then players. It makes it much easier.

    – Keep your number of players to the same size you are comfortable with Dungeon Mastering a Pen & Paper game.

    – Ask your players to bind a key to walk. Tell them not to run unless the situation dictates it. This is for many reasons, but the big ones are: Easier to keep a step ahead of the players, and it promotes role-playing and a realistic environment.

    – Tell your players you want them to role-play and that you’ll enforce it!

    – Throw together a real adventure; don’t just reuse something built by BioWare.

    – Keep a DM with the players at all times. so you know what they are doing and what they are talking about doing.

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