NWN Community Expansion Pack Review

A review of the Community Expansion Pack for Neverwinter Nights has been posted over at Sorcerer’s Place. Although there is no score, the review is pretty in-depth. A snippet:

Probably the point of most interest for players… the main addition in this area consists of the addition of oriental weapons. Lots of oriental weapons. By-and-large, they look great (I really liked the Tetsubo, a two handed club, very cool…). Not being an expert on oriental weapons, I don’t have much else to add, other than, at least to my untrained eye, they look great.

In addition to the oriental weapons, there is also a large number of additional, “realistic” versions of already established NWN weapons, as well as a significant number of weapons added from the various WoTC supplement books (Sword & Fist, and so on), like the mercurial weapons, the maul (a two handed hammer… very cool), military picks, tridents, double scimitars and falchions (again, very cool). The only bit I didn’t like in the whole lot, was the prevalence of “lightsaber” weapons, which I think just look terrible, but to each their own.

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