Nox Archaist Update – Tester’s Log

This month’s development update for 6502 Workshop’s old-school RPG Nox Archaist is short and to the point. It shares some recent beta stats and lets us know that if everything goes according to plan, the game should be launching sometime in late November. Check it out:

Tester’s Log

Our update for September is short and sweet because we are in full crunch mode, working hard testing, tweaking, and polishing to make Nox Archaist the game we’ve all been waiting for! In the last month we’ve done 9 patch releases, addressed 177 issues, and made 347 commits to the code repository. Our beta testers have been playing the latest release for several days now, with no major bugs. Still, we know that we have a ways to go. We have people going through all of the game dialogue (over 4600 lines of it!), and others are testing the quests to make sure they’re consistent and solvable, while still other are testing the combat module.

As we promised last month, we have an update on a target release date. We’re shooting for late November. The feedback we’ve received from backers has been very positive and has unanimously encouraged us to focus on quality rather than rushing something out the door, so with that in mind, we may need to make further adjustments to the target date.

As always, we will keep you informed.

We hope everyone is staying safe and well.

-Mark and the 6502 Workshop Team

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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