Novus Inceptio Playthrough – Episode 1

There really is nothing like the feeling of exploring the unknown, foraging for food and building a house with your own two hands. Nope, no feeling like it, and that feeling is exhaustion. It all seems way too tiring for me. Thankfully, McMagic are developing Novus Inceptio an open world sandbox survival game that allows you to do all of those things without worrying about getting dirt in your fingernails or where you can charge your mobile device. Hooray, for staying inside.

McMagic, the ladies and gents behind Novis Inceptio were kind enough to let me have access to the Steam Early Access of their baby and I got to run free and frolic through the post-apocalyptic landscape, all virtually of course.

Obviously, with Novus Inceptio still going through Early Access it’s still very much in development, but what is there is shaping up to be a pretty impressive game.

So, will all that said and done, this is what my first hour in Novus Inceptio looked like…

After I’d sorted out my graphics settings (ultra of course) and started a new single player game, my new survivor was in a large spaceship-like room with various bits of machinery, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts brandishing a large knife.

Novus Inceptio Screenshot 1

I followed the tutorial instructions and got use to the basic movement controls.  Then I was told to leave the confines of the room and visit various waypoints in the landscape. They weren’t overly far away but they taught me the basics in foraging for food and other crafting materials, as well as eating and drinking; two very important things to do if you want to actually do that ‘staying alive’ thing.

Then for some reason the tutorials stopped telling me what to do. Not that it matters I’d picked up more than enough info to start making it on my own. I’d already made a hammer, and axe which were useful for cutting down trees and making tool parts but I needed a pick axe, at some point I’d need to start mining stone and a knife wasn’t really going to cut it. Literally.

Novus Inceptio Screenshot 2

For the next twenty or so minutes I stomped around the countryside chopping down trees, and gathering leaves, bark and resin. Not to mention killing the odd rabbit and deer that happened to cross my path. That was all very fun, but I knew that even at this early stage my first life was ebbing away not to mention it could get dark soon I was going to need somewhere I could rest my half-naked body and go to sleep.

Building a house is easy and fun. Rather than building the structure piece by piece, you first set out what the building is going to look like. You set up the walls, floor and room pieces and design the building as you want it to be. Then once you’re happy with it, you then start building each piece in the structure.

Novus Inceptio Screenshot 3

At this early stage, I pretty much just needed logs and twine, both of which are readily created from things that almost-literally fall from trees. Within a few minutes I’d built most of my first home. Sure there were a few wall panels and roof sections missing but until it’s finished I could just huddle in the corner if it ever gets really rainy.

So, after just one hour of playing Novus Inceptio I’d got to grips with foraging, eating, drinking and I’d built most of a rudimentary shelter. For a first hour, it’s not a bad set of accomplishments and I’m keen to understand what else there is for me to find hidden within this game.Novus Inceptio Screenshot 4

If this first hour has excited you as much as me, you’re keen to dive into Novus Inceptio yourself you can find it in the Steam store. Stay tuned for more adventures in Novus Inceptio. Next time, I’ll explore a little further afield and see what else lies hidden in the crafting menus and take a look at that tall glowing thing.

If you don’t want to waste any time at all you can skip straight to Epsiode 2 of our Novus Inceptio Playthrough by clicking here


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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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