New Puzzle Quest Teased

Infinite Interactive, developers of the genre-bending Puzzle Quest series, have revealed that they may have yet another title in the works – but that it won’t be any time soon. Joystiq initially mis-reported that Infinite Interactive were acquired by an EA studio, FireMonkeys, but has since amended that by stating that Infinite split from FireMonkeys shortly after. As Infinite Interactive retain the rights to Puzzle Quest, it sounds like even though they’ve been going through some turbulent times lately, we’ll still be seeing a new gem-matching RPG sometime in the future.

Fawkner explained he couldn’t get into the “nitty-gritty” details about intellectual property ownership and that things are “a little more complicated” than before, but that Infinite do still retain the Puzzle Quest and Warlords IP rights.

“While I don’t have a specific announcement that I can make at the moment, if you shook a Magic 8-Ball and asked it ‘Will Infinite’s next game be a Puzzle Quest title?’, then it would quite probably say ‘All signs point to yes!’,” Fawkner explained.

“In the short term, we will continue to build and innovate in the genres and settings that we know and love. That means games that combine fantasy, puzzles, strategy and tactics. It’s doubtful we’ll ever move too far from those genres, because they are our favorites, and you always do your best work when you’re building games that you’re passionate about.”

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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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