Neverwinter Nights Scripting Interview

Neverwinter Nexus was able to ask Mark Brockington of BioWare several in-depth questions about how scripting will work in the upcoming Neverwinter Nights. Here’s one of the questions to get you started:

    Q: Will we have access to the engine’s dice rolls (both for simple checking, and for custom modification)?

    A: There are commands for rolling dice within the scripting language. However, manipulating the die rolls before the results are taken into account seems unlikely at this point. It’s not feasible to oversee 100 die rolls over the course of a six second combat round. Having said this, we have plans for allowing DMs to globally modify the luck of PCs. A slider representing PC luck will be part of the DM interface, allowing the DM to make combat easier or harder with a movement of the mouse.

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