Neverwinter Nights Review @ Guru3D

Another Neverwinter Nights review has hit the web, and this time it’s over at Guru3D. Their conclusion isn’t quite as positive as many of the others we’ve seen, as you can read below:

    All in all, if BioWare would fix 3 very annoying and game breaking bugs, this game would be the cream of the crop for RPG’s for years to come. Until these bugs are fixed however, they are a thorn in the side of many who want to experience this game hassle free. If anything, the single player game will whisk you away to another world for the time being, as long as you can handle having to go through a dungeon 2-3 times because the map said you were already there when you weren’t. I just couldn’t let another review go by without letting the public know, that the grass isn’t as green as some people might lead you to believe. This game is getting tremendous fan boy attention, even from most reviewers who maybe just want to ignore the problems this game has because they either do not want to admit there are major faults in the game, or simply have not played it nearly enough to give that review in the first place.
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