Neverwinter Nights Review @ Gone Gold

Gone Gold has written their review of Neverwinter Nights, in which they’ve given the game a score of 83/100. Their conclusion to follow:

    I really enjoyed the game and expect to spend a lot of time with the world builder making my own modules, but I think my enjoyment is due in part to my love of the D&D pen and paper game. Reading the opinions of other people, I’ve seen some threads common to people who do and do not like the game: You won’t like this game if you’re expecting Baldur’s Gate 3 (because the story isn’t nearly as involved); if you’re expecting a Diablo 2 clone (because it’s not that much of a click-fest); or if you’re a D&D rules purist (because some of the rules were tweaked to facilitate computer play). On the other hand, if you’re willing to approach the game on it’s own and you can get past the bugs and AI problems, you’ll end up with a very deep role playing toolset that happens to have a very good single-player game attached to it.
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