Neverwinter Nights Review @ GameSpy

GameSpy has written their review of Neverwinter Nights, giving the game a score of 91/100. A snippet:

    The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines ambition as an ardent desire for rank, fame or power. Few titles have had as much ambition as Neverwinter Nights. Its single-player game will rank among the best PC RPGs of all time and is sure to earn it fame. Power, however, is something it gives, rather than gets. More than any other game, Neverwinter Nights truly gives players power. Whether it’s the power to craft your own adventure or the power to lead others on one, this game allows you to do so in a relatively straightforward way.

    BioWare has done its part to sate its ambition by offering a fantastic standalone game and the potential for even more escapades through its creation tools. The impetus is now on the players to realize the game’s full potential. As the immortal Captain Planet was fond of saying, “the power is yours.”

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