Neverwinter Nights Review @ GameSpot

The folks over at GameSpot have given us a review of Neverwinter Nights, giving the game a 9.2 out of 10. A definite read if you’re into a little more praising of such a great game. Their conclusion:

    All told, Neverwinter Nights is one of those exceedingly rare games that has a lot to offer virtually everyone, even if they aren’t already into RPGs. The campaign alone is easily worth the price of admission. Not only is it on par with all the best computer RPGs to date, but it’s also a lot friendlier to new players, making Neverwinter Nights a perfectly good choice as someone’s first role-playing game. Add the other aspects of Neverwinter Nights–the toolset, the DM client, and the multiplayer options–and you have a unique game that’s an undeniably remarkable achievement. Some games are memorable, but years from now, people won’t just remember Neverwinter Nights–they’ll also still be playing.

When you finish reading, get back to playing.

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