Neverwinter Nights Review @ ESCMag

The latest review of Neverwinter Nights can be found over at ESCMag, where they’ve given the game a score of 9/10. Here’s something to get you started:

    However it’s played, the packaged campaign is an entertaining experience, full of side-quests and opportunities for the player to gain extra experience. The story is designed to carry the player from the earliest stages of adventuring through to the highest levels of power and ability, and while advancement does feel fairly quick, there’s a palpable sense of reward when new skills and powers become available. For pen-and-paper players, there’s also the strange satisfaction of actually seeing your character perform feats like Uncanny Dodge or Great Cleave (which allows a free attack on an adjacent foe for each that you kill — essentially unlocking the promise of seeing your character strike down a long chain of enemies in a single action).
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