Neverwinter Nights Review @ Adrenaline Vault

The Adrenaline Vault has made their review of Neverwinter Nights available, where they’ve given the game 4.5 of 5 stars. Their overall thoughts to follow:

    Neverwinter Nights represents a revolutionary step forward in role-playing games. Like most revolutions, it has its growing pains, but the gameplay experience, as well as the monumental potential for community involvement vastly overshadows its problems. Any fan of the RPG genre should not be caught dead without a copy of Neverwinter Nights on his or her PC. It goes a long, long way toward getting at the heart of what draws players to RPGs: It supports a vast array of gaming styles, its systems cannot help but feel polished after so many years of development on tabletops across the country, and the production values are sky-high. I’d recommend Neverwinter Nights to any gaming friend I’ve ever had.
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