Neverwinter Nights Renovations

For those of you who might not have noticed, I have begun renovating our Neverwinter Nights site and adding a bunch of information. Here’s a bit of what I’ve done so far:

– All Bard, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, and Sorcerer/Wizard spells are now listed. Expect to see the actual description for each spell as soon as I get all of the screenshots cropped.

– I’ve created three areas to list all of the standard equipment available in the game – armor, weapons, and miscellaneous items. I only have about fifty items listed so far, but expect to see these listings updated on a daily basis. Also, since the single player game uses random tables to determine loot, I won’t be listing any locations for each item like in our other sites.

– Feats, skills, and the beginning of our walkthrough will be coming soon, so stay tuned.

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