Neverwinter Nights Rap Session

Honing in on what’s possibly the most anticipated RPG of the year, BioWare’s Neverwinter Nights, the NeverwinterHaven has interviewed Preston Watamaniuk, technical designer for the NWN team. It doesn’t, shall we say, go into extensive detail about the game, but he covers a little on subjects such as what it’s like to work there, as in this excerpt:

Q: Tell us a little about your job at BioWare.

A: My official role within the design department is that of Technical Designer. I keep track of all information for spells and monsters by designing and programming database utilities. It is my job to organize the possible spell and monster choices and to make sure we have a balanced system. This role allows me to do a lot of rules interpretation and implementation, which is something that I enjoy. I also work out the logic for spells, and the way they will work within the game.

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