Neverwinter Nights Premium Modules Interview

IGN PC has conducted an interview with BioWare’s Tom Ohle, in which they discuss the company’s newly launched premium modules for Neverwinter Nights. An excerpt to follow:

Q: So how do the modules fit together?

A: From a story standpoint, they don’t. In a strictly literal sense, Neverwinter Nights: ShadowGuard will be bundled with a free re-mastered version of Neverwinter Nights: Witch’s Wake. Each module had a generally different development team: NWN: ShadowGuard was developed by Ben McJunkin, who developed a highly successful series of Neverwinter Nights fan modules called the Lone Wolf Series (along with some help from BioWare’s Keith Hayward and Rob Bartel); NWN: Kingmaker was developed completely internally by BioWare designers Cori May and Dan Whiteside; and NWN: Witch’s Wake was, of course, developed by BioWare’s Rob Bartel.

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