Neverwinter Nights: Mobile Review

GameSpot has written up a review of Neverwinter Nights: Mobile, giving the cell phone version of the game an overall score of 8.3/10. A snippet:

The most intriguing aspect of the technology behind Neverwinter Nights: Mobile is its clever use of GPRS. Rather than loading all of the game data on your phone at once, it streams the information to your phone on demand and then discards it once it’s done with it. The impact this has on the overall game is fairly profound, both in positive and negative ways. On the positive side, it allows the game to include a lot more content than your usual mobile game, and it opens up the possibility for future adventures with your established character. The downside is that the GPRS dependency introduces a lot of load times that otherwise would not exist. These load times generally aren’t any more than 15 or 20 seconds, but it’s enough to take you out of the experience. It’s also worth noting that, because a lot of the data for different locations does not live on your phone, the game is unplayable if you are in an area where you cannot get a GPRS signal.

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