Neverwinter Nights Deep Look

And now we turn our attention away from one source of hype to another, perhaps similarly bright but more of a distant glow due to its release date, BioWare’s Neverwinter Nights. The land of lengthy previews surfaces again with a 5 page behemoth at GameSpot, which, if you’re kinda sorta unfamiliar with the game, is a fountain of knowledge. Here’s a small testament:

The game’s inherent ability to determine the strength and makeup of random encounters on the fly should prove to be one of its many interesting features. Thus, no matter how powerful you are, the single-player campaign will not only provide a challenge, but it will also give a lot of replay value and flexibility to your own custom-made scenarios. For instance, if you put a lot of time into creating a great dungeon crawl for low-level characters, you might be a little disappointed that, well, you’ve made a dungeon crawl for low-level characters. But the adjustable random encounter table means, with a little more tweaking, that you could make your dungeon suitably challenging for all types of characters. Experience and monetary rewards can likewise be scaled for different adventurers. The scenario tools even let you translate text and dialogue into multiple languages for internationally localized versions of your adventures!

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