NCsoft Community Relations Interview

GamerGod has conducted an interview with NCsoft’s Richard Weil to learn more about his position as the company’s online community relations manager for City of Heroes and City of Villains. An excerpt:

Q: You have a background in Human Resources within the software industry. Do you find a noticeable difference in your previous job duties compared to your current duties? Also, how do you bring your previous experience to this job to give it that extra boost?

A: Well, I think there is a significant difference. When I was doing Human Resources at a software consultancy, I wore a lot of hats: recruiting, general HR work, even business development. So, while that experience set doesn’t directly apply to my current position, it is still useful experience, such as when we’re going through a hiring process. The things I enjoyed doing at Athens Group, which is where I was before NCsoft, was making sure we had correct processes in place. Everybody knew how things worked, which can be a real challenge when you’re dealing with different products, different developers and studios where everybody has their own way of doing things. While we can’t force processes down people’s throats, we can have good processes within our own group. The City of Heroes/Villains team is very strong on process, so everything is 1, 2, 3, done! The other thing that is a great help is to have inter-departmental processes, which although we know there will be differences in the teams, we definitely like to encourage.

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