Multiple Levels per Area

Gamer asks about a clever way to get mutiple levels in one area:

I know an Area must be defined to be rectangular. I also know you don’t have to make every part of the area usable. Could I put multiple levels of a small building in the same area connected by some kind of “teleporter” in the form of “stairway” like objects?

Example: An Inn

Define an area as 4×9. Create two “sub-areas” within as 4×4 each, leaving a “wall” of unused tiles between them. Then, place a “stairway object” in each of the 4×4 “sub-areas” and script them to teleport characters to the other…

    …Yes, placing the different floors of an inn within a single area is more than possible. In fact, it’s a good way to reduce the number of load screens experienced by your players.

    A hundred corridors, a million rooms,
    Rob Bartel

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