Morrowind Vampire Interview

RPGPlanet’s hosted website, Morrowind After Dark, has posted an interview with Pete Hines and Mark Nelson of the Morrowind development team. The interview reveals everything you’d ever want to know about vampires in the upcoming RPG. Here’s a bite:

    Q: Will the vampires have their own guild houses/clan houses? I know they offer quests in Morrowind,I was just wondering if the vamps will train you in your vamp powers/skills.

    A: [Mark Nelson] The clans are secretive and xenophobic. They don’t want new members, and to them, you will be a rogue vampire, an accident. It’s possible they’ll have some dealings with you if you happen to be in their bloodline, but you’ll be an abomination by their standards. You might be able to prove yourself to them enough that they won’t kill you on sight.

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