Morrowind Quad Interview

There’s been a rumor going around for some time. I don’t know quite when it started but it’s that Morrowind is the next big advancement in a single-player RPG. Neverwinter Nights you say? Different style, just as big. The fanatics over at GameSpy pitched forth a four part interview with some of the men working at Bethesda, about their experience before and while on Morrowind. Here’s a pinch with the QA Lead as that’s what I’m into at the moment:

GameSpy: What type of character do you like to play? Any special tactics you use during play?

Mike Fridley: I prefer the rogue types personally. Straight up sneaky assassin types are my favorites. There’s nothing like slipping past a couple of thick-skulled Nord guards and performing a quick assassination of their boss to get my blood pumping. I tend to try to isolate my opponents and go to work on them. Rogues really aren’t designed to handle fighting a bunch of enemies at the same time and I enjoy the challenge involved in not getting myself killed. Remember kiddies, “sneak” is your friend.

Oh, I believe it was when we (the public) started seeing the screenshots from the game… that people became believers in this.

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