Morrowind Q&A

I missed a new Q&A over at RPGVault yesterday, between Jonric and a few of the developers for the upcoming Morrowind, Project Leader Todd Howard and Magic Systems Programmers Victor Breuggemann and Steve Meister. Here’s an excerpt:

    Jonric: Please tell our readers about Conjuration. What were the various considerations that led to its being added? What kinds of spells will the category include?

    Steve Meister: This is my favorite school of magic. Conjuration spells allow you to summon creatures, summon bound weapons and armor, command creatures and NPCs, and turn away the undead. Summoned creatures, as well as commanded creatures and NPCs, follow you and will fight for you if you get into trouble. Very handy. Bound weapons and armor have the souls of daedra trapped within them. This enchantment gives the weapons greater power, the armor greater protection, and your character a greater chance of surviving combat.

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