Morrowind Preview

NVidia has put together a preview of Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind, elaborating on specific aspects of the game, such as cultures, politics, religion, and more. Here’s a taste:

    Vardenfell’s greatest challenges are its mutually hostile cultures, its cruel and untamed wildernesses, and the troubling phenomenon of the Blight. The Temple and traditional Dunmer cultures are in direct opposition to the values of the Imperial conqueror’s colonists, and the interests of each Great House conflict with the interests of the other Great Houses. Only the unquestioned military dominance of the Imperial Legions and the shrewd policies of the Duke prevent political disputes from expanding into civil unrest or warfare. Even the Legions, however, cannot extend their protection into the sparsely inhabited wastelands of Vvardenfell, where bandits, necromancers, witches, fiends, and grotesque monstrosities find refuge, emerging to threaten the lives of explorers, colonists, and traders.
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