Morrowind News

It seems Bethesda’s highly anticipated Morrowind continues to receive a lot of coverage around the ‘net, and today is no different. First of all, there are fourteen screenshots and sixteen pieces of character art from the Xbox version of the upcoming RPG over at Additionally, GameSpy has cranked out an interview with two of the game’s developers, GT Noonan (level designer) and Christiane Meister (artist), talking with each about their individual roles in creating the game. Here’s a snippet:

    GameSpy: Have you had time to do any play testing on the game? If so, what is your favorite aspect and why?

    GT Noonan: Everyday. Not exactly “play-testing” in the sense, but after polishing up a dungeon, I load up the game and take a stroll through it to see if I missed anything. From what I DO get to do though, my favorite aspect would have to be the visuals. Even after working on this game for the 2+ years it’s been in development, I am still stunned with how impressive the graphics are.

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