Morrowind Developer Q&A #22

RPGVault has continued with its Morrowind Developer Q&A’s by posting number twenty-two. Here’s a taste:

    Jonric: What’s the coolest in-game moment you’ve had while playing or testing, and what made it so cool?

    Christine Miller, Artist: Well, I didn’t really have one particular instance in mind until last night. I had finally gotten around to buying some slaves – and oh! what fun! Five minions, following my every move, one right in line behind the other. It was great. I wondered, “would they die for me?” I started a fight. Yes! They surrounded my helpless victim, punching and pummeling until the poor man was knocked unconscious. He came to, and tried to stand, but to no avail. My loyal followers simply knocked him back down again. Ah, the power. Then they ceased to amuse me and I slaughtered them all.

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