Morrowind Developer Q&A #10

RPGVault has hit the double digits in their developer Q&A feature for the upcoming RPG from Bethsoft, Morrowind. In the latest edition, seven members of the Bethsoft team describe their favorite locations in the Elder Scrolls world. Here’s a snippet:

    Christine Miller

    With such a varied world, it’s hard to pin down one area I like more than others. So I tossed my 12-sided purple die and the winner is… the coastal area! As far as the landscape is concerned, I have to admit a fondness for the swampy areas of the west. The brackish water, the mossy trees- very heavy on the atmosphere. But for structures I tend to choose those of the wizards. They are pod-like, and the way the roots curl down towards the water really tends to make them look active. The council house at Sadrith Mora especially catches my eye. From the outside it looks like a giant egg of sorts, with its roots wrapped protectively around it. The main chamber inside is really amazing. The whole place seems to glow with an unnatural light and the crystals in the center of the chamber seem almost to vibrate with magic. The player could really spend a lot of time looking at all the detail here. Of course, tomorrow’s another day, and another part of Morrowind to explore…

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