Morrowind Dev Diary

A Bethesda employee working on the magnificent-looking RPG Morrowind takes us on a summarized journey of his background and what he now works on for the game, in a new developer diary up at VoodooExtreme. Now I could be wrong but I think the moral of the story is, if you want to get into the games industry, get a BS in Biology. While web-browsing just below the speed of light, my browser hit a California stop sign, slowed just enough to grab this:

The middle class lackeys might be a bit better off to display how proud they are to belong to their House and will wear a shirt with some defining color or ornamentation. The rich folk that belong to any of the Houses will make all sorts of fashion mistakes. They will want to wear all of their finest clothes at once when they go to a party. Expect silk gloves and boots with fine bonemold armor at these shindigs, especially the Hlaalu ones. They have crazy ostentatious fashion ideas. There will be some House specific armor, which might provide some interesting plot or quest points, such as disguising yourself as some House representative.

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