Morrowind Designer Update

The lead designer of the RPG that has most other RPG’s wishing they had as talented a team, Morrowind (especially in the graphical department), posted his daily routine at VoodooExtreme, his journal from a “typical Monday”. Here’s how some of it went:

6:30 pm

I begin looking over all the new data that has been merged into the main world file. Mark Bullock, one of our artists, shows me a data error with Ebonheart, the giant castle in the game. We remerge the file and everything is fine. All the exterior setup of the castle is complete. It’s huge and looks amazing, we talk about what buildings are going to do what. While I was in France last summer I was able to visit some amazing castles, and now I’m looking at one in the game. It’s moments like this where I become a player and just go “damn…that is sweet.”

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