Morrowind: Bloodmoon Review

The guys at Boomtown have posted a review of Morrowind: Bloodmoon, giving the expansion an overall score of 7/10. Check it out:

For the most part, this expansion can be very engaging. Bethesda have introduced some great new ideas with the colony aspect, and the political squabbles that go on are very well thought out with some events even leading you back to places like Ald’ruhn on the mainland. However, there seems to be far too much too’ing and fro’ing at times. Having to walk from one end of the island to the other in order to fulfil a quest or task gets very tiresome, especially as the nature of the landscape makes it repetitive. This isn’t helped by the staggering number of hostile creatures that you will encounter. Combat has never been very much fun in this game, and the sheer number of monsters you will encounter soon becomes very dull and boring.

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