Morrowind: Bloodmoon Review

The Entertainment Depot has written up a review of Morrowind: Bloodmoon, giving the expansion an overall score of 8.5/10. Their conclusion to follow:

Although I consider myself a diehard fan of Morrowind, my initial reaction to the announcement of Bloodmoon was one of severe skepticism. After all, the idea of basing the expansion pack around the ability to become a werewolf seemed a bit lacking to me, especially in light of the wealth of newness that Tribunal had offered. Fortunately, Bloodmoon handles the werewolf aspect with such style and engaging strategy that I couldn’t help but be won over by its charms. Traveling the countryside with an eye to the sky while taking care to avoid having to spend sunset in the presence of others may sound somewhat tedious but actually presents a refreshing change of pace to those who may have become jaded to life in Vvardenfell. Having to consider your travel arrangements as well as your stripped-down, claws-out battle strategy is both interesting and highly entertaining, and offers a completely new set of challenges for battle-scarred Morrowind veterans. The further addition of the arctic island of Solstheim, along with its new and intriguing quests, landscape, and monsters, rounds out Bloodmoon extremely well; that it eschews Tribunal’s railroading for a much more open-ended exploration style leaves fans of the series virtually no reason to pass it up.

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