Morrowind: Bloodmoon Interview

Withershyn, a dedicated Morrowind fan, has posted an in character interview that he conducted with Designer Mark Nelson. This interview discusses the island of Solstheim. Morrowind: Bloodmoon is scheduled for a May 2003 release. Here’s a snippet:

Does Solstheim experience a changing of seasons?

It goes from cold to very cold. Snowing to blizzard. Those are the seasons.

Will we have to bundle up to ward off the freeze, or face adverse effects? Can I look for a fall line of stylish cloaks in the shops?

Cloaks? Pfaah! What kind of fool wears a cloak? If a man can’t survive in his own armor, he shouldn’t call himself a soldier. Not that I don’t think a cloak might look fine wrapped around your frame, but you’re not gonna find one on this island.

Will I find any new cold-based attacks or defenses to adopt?

A mage are you? Can’t say I know much about that. More of a wood and steel man myself. I’ve heard rumors, though. Natives on the island who control the animals, can summon them to their sides. Probably just rumors, though.

…Can I throw snowballs at Imperials?

Can you outrun an arrow?

Hmm. Ahm… What kind of settlement will you live in on the island? Tell me what you know about the local amenities and culture.

I’ll be living in scenic Fort Frostmoth, last stop in the career of the common soldier. Can’t say I know too much about the area around it. I know the Emperor has granted the East Empire Company a mining charter on the island. Figure they’ll need to set up some sort of a colony to support that. And there are supposed to be some native Nords on the island as well. Pretty much keep to themselves, though.

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