More World of Warcraft Content Coming Soon

The official World of Warcraft community site has been updated with news that cloaks will be given graphics, additional zones and quests will be added, and more in the near future. Check it out:

Our next push is right around the corner and I want to give you all a little view of what’s to come.
Five new screenshots (click ‘next’ for more shots) are available and they should give you an idea of what to expect when cloak visibility goes live!

Some other additions to expect:

– Many objects in the world have undergone data format changes to reduce memory usage. For example, Stormwind will use half the memory that it currently uses.
– Several new zones and dungeons are being added!
– New class-specific quests are being added!

And much more…

You’ll also find a link to some screenshots of in-game cloaks, so be sure to stop by the site.

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