More SpellForce Reviews

Two additional reviews for Phenomic and JoWood’s RTS/RPG hybrid, SpellForce: The Order of Dawn, have made their way to the web. The first is over at with an overall score of 84/100:

SpellForce could have been a sure victim to its complexity, having a lot of things that could have gone wrong. Fortunately, the boys at Phenomic did a wonderful job, and although there was room for some improvement (like the control system and the multiplayer), they managed to combine the best aspects from the RPG and RTS genres under one roof. Kudos to Phenomic and we’re anxiously await your next titles.

The second has been dished up over at Four Fat Chicks, and although there is no overall score, it is ultimately positive:

Very few games lead me to my gaming nirvana: “Suspension of Disbelief.” SpellForce enlisted my involvement and playing dedication with the incredible opening cinematic, the brilliant tutorial and, ultimately, the absolutely captivating game adventure itself. Adventure and RPG enthusiasts are encouraged not to be apprehensive about the RTS aspects. Destiny awaits go forward to adventure!

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