More Fallout 3 Announcement Interviews

Three more short interviews concerning Bethesda’s acquisition of the Fallout series have hit the web. The first is at GameSpot:

Q: Your release said that Fallout 3 will be developed alongside the next Morrowind. Will they be based on the same engine?

A: We’ve been developing some new technology for a long time now that could be used in many games, so we plan on using that. It is not the Morrowind engine.

The second is at RPGVault (although it’s not really a Q&A):

Fallout is something we’ve talked about internally for a long time. I’m pretty sure we made the initial approach. I don’t remember when. I believe it was something we talked about with our president, Vlatko, at one point, who probably made the initial contact. Again, it’s something that has been brought up internally, every now and then, for a long time.

We’re big fans of the Fallout franchise and think it’s a good fit for our skills and what we do well. Simply put, we think we can make a great Fallout 3 that lots and lots of people will want to buy.

And the third is at GameGestapo:

Q. Is the SPECIAL system going to remain intact? What changes are planned?

A. Again, too early, although I will say that as a general rule we plan to remain as true and faithful as possible to what made Fallout such a great and memorable experience.

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