More Deus Ex: Invisible War Previews

Just in case you haven’t read enough about Ion Storm’s Deus Ex: Invisible War yet, there are two more previews for you to take in. The first is at GameZone Online:

The graphics in Deus Ex: Invisible War are pretty incredible, sure to drop a lot of jaws. The overall mood is very dark and urban, kind of like Bladerunner or any number of moody futuristic sci-fi films. The lighting effects are nothing short of amazing, the use of shadow and bump mapping makes the environmental textures stand out fantastically. The player models also look great, showcasing an awful lot of detail. Overall, the graphical style was very dark and desolate, perfect for this game’s atmosphere.

And the second is at DigitalBackSpin:

Deus Ex: Invisible War does everything a good sequel should. It takes everything that was great about the first game and improves on it, fixes or cuts out anything that just didn’t quite work last time, and then adds it’s own flavor to the mix (so as not to make it feel like graphically upgraded expansion pack). There is so much more that could be detailed in this preview, but that would ruin the fun of discovery when you actually play the game, and play this game you should. The demo should be available across the ‘˜net this weekend, and the game will be available this December, so any self-respecting gamer owes it to him/herself to check this gem out.

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