More Camelot Fixes

Today, Sanya has added another list of fixes to the Camelot Herald. Once again, all of the following fixes were implemented without taking the servers down:

    1) Changed Shaman Vine Field line to be no-recast (on the same target) as originally intended.

    2) Ironed out one final wrinkle in the Blight Encounter.

    3) Set the power levels of the Caer Benowyc doors to appropriate levels (they were too low).

    4) Druid Harkin no longer thinks he can make you a fine cloak.

    5) At long last, Thule Rulic will accept peallaidh hides.

    6) Players that couldn’t get Serilyna to talk about [the svartalfar] will now find her more helpful.

    7) The quest journal now correctly sends players to the east for Tressa Gorrym’jiarg.

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