More Blizzard Departure News

An article on CNN sheds some more light about the departure of four key members (including Bill Roper) from Blizzard Entertainment. Here’s a snippet, including commentary from Roper himself:

Roper was humble when I asked him about analyst speculation that Monday’s departures will result in a lower sale price for Vivendi Universal Games, saying that wasn’t the intent of the Monday’s action. Still, he said, if that does prove true, he hopes it will underline the importance of the development community.

“Hopefully, what that will point out to the industry is the fact that the success of games isn’t just the name on the box, the franchise or that sort of thing – it’s the people who make the games,” he said. “Just like you want Arnold Schwarzenegger to do your film, just like you want Steven King or J.K. Rowling to be writing your book, you want the best possible people making a game for you. … People are important.”

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