MMORPGs: Expansions & Expansions

MMOGInfo has written up a two-page editorial entitled “Expansions & Expansions” that focuses on the importance (or lack thereof) of add-ons to existing MMORPGs. An excerpt to follow:

Legends of Azeroth” has not been more than a HOAX than has circulated but that, possibly, included all the new features with which a player of World of Warcraft would dream to see in his expansion, perhaps for that reason that rumor was guessed impossible that outside truthful. But what less it hoped the player community is an expansion that, in accordance with the little which it has been confirmed, promises to disappoint the users more than to make them dream. Yeah, a new continent is included, 10 new levels of experience yet what it supposes, up to here nothing of the other world. Two new races: Blood Elfs for the Horde and, if the rumors are certain, Pandaren for the Alliance but, no new class. This is something incomprehensible since really what incentive is going to have a player who already has several high level characters in create one new identical with the only difference of it’s physical aspect and its 2 racial abilities.

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