MMORPG Developer Profile #2 has published a second developer profile, this time firing a batch of questions to Shadowbane lead designer Sara “Lietgardis” Jensen. An excerpt to follow:

Q: How did you arrive at Wolfpack? Can you run us through what brought you to this company and into the industry in general?

A: While studying English in college, I spent my time during the school year playing MMOs, and during the summer, working temporary data entry jobs. I wrote strategy guides for popular websites, worked with developers for pet features, and was a senior volunteer (back when MMOs had volunteer programs). I ranted at Lum the Mad’s for a couple of years, as one of the first outsiders he brought in.

After a short stint as a web developer, I moved to Austin and saw a Ubisoft ad on for a data entry monkey at an Austin MMO studio. Hey, I have data entry experience AND I love MMOs! I got the job four months before Shadowbane shipped, and I moved up to a real design position shortly after launch. It’s all been upwards from there.

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