Mimesis Online Diary

One of the more recent entrances into the MMORPG development market is Tannhauser Gate Studio’s Mimesis Online. Not much is known about the game as of yet, except that it has a cool logo and even cooler premise. There are some basics known, of course, and RPGVault threw up (wrong choice of words there) a Developer Diary with Derek Handley, part of the team. For those that are wondering what the game’s about, here’s something to digest straight from the Official Mimesis FAQ:

4.15 I’m really interested in an MMORPG that doesn’t play in a fantasy world, but in a Science-Fiction or apocalyptic scenario.

Mimesis Online is such a game. The basic idea is of a far future world, changed by a cosmic-scale catastrophe, where different intelligent races must co-exist, thus the game is set firmly in the science-fiction genre. There is no magic in this world, only psionics, and the technology that is still in operation is a valuable commodity in the society that has evolved. The catastrophe took place almost six hundred years before the game is set, but its effects are still very much felt. The wreckage is gone, new cities have developed, but the world has been twisted into a new form.

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