Might & Magic IX Artwork

It’s an RPG that’s going to be released to a shrewd community gazing at its promising package, hoping that it will live up to the name of Might & Magic, something that many have thought the previous two, even three games, have not. It’s the newest in the series, utilizes the Lithtech engine and naturally is called Might & Magic IX. ToTheGame.com has thrown up a a number of new screens of M&M IX artwork, which for some of us, feel that to wait for new information on our anticipated games, (to add a touch of melodrama) is sometimes akin to breathing underwater with only a straw. (like I do with HOMM IV).

On a M&M tangent:
While I thought that both M&M VII & VIII were both fun games for a while, they offered little that was new to the series, or to the experience that was M&M VI beyond a few minor changes. The sixth in the series, however, despite the graphics that were not shall we say, state of the art, it did offer for the first time a full and absolutely huge 3D world to explore. It was the game that, with Diablo a year prior (though I really hesitate to call _that_ an RPG… it just got labeled with it by the media), finalized the ushering in of the new era of the RPG we see today.

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