Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes Revealed

GameSpot is offering up a few scant details that confirm earlier reports that a new puzzle-oriented Might and Magic title is in development for the Nintendo DS.

Ubisoft did not detail Might & Magic Clash of Heroes’ gameplay mechanics, aside from saying that battles will be turn-based puzzles. However, the publisher did note that the game will offer five quest storylines, and will incorporate exploration elements in addition to battle sequences. Players will also be able to customize their army with a variety of fantasy archetypes, including knights, elves, wizards, necromancers, and demons.

According to Ubisoft, Might & Magic Clash of Heroes will also feature a two-player competitive mode. The handheld game is in development at Capybara Games, the Toronto-based developer behind the recently announced PlayStation Network puzzler Critter Crunch, and is expected to be released worldwide in August 2009.

I shake my head at that screenshot.

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