Might & Magic Heroes VI Reviews

We have rounded up a few more new reviews for the Black Hole Entertainment-developed latest installment in the strategic spin-off of the Might & Magic franchise, Might & Magic Heroes VI, which is garnering pretty middling reviews.

NowGamer, 8.4/10.

As much as we still love the pinnacle in the Heroes series, Heroes Of Might Magic III, the game desperately needed to change to give us something else to sink our teeth into and reiterating a classic formula simply wasn’t going to do it.

It’s not as if there’s a huge compromise been made either: that classic explore, expand and conquer formula hasn’t been meddled with, multiplayer has taken on a new dimension of addictiveness and even the wonderfully detailed map editor (you know, that one that takes the same amount of time to learn as a 3D modelling program) comes as standard. It’s a brave new world out there, but it’s one Heroes squires and the knights of yore alike will enjoy exploring.

Softpedia, 6.5/10.

Might & Magic Heroes VI is a better game than the previous two in the series and Black Hole Entertainment has managed to create a solid base on which they can expand in future installment. But this is not an instant classic and there’s no chance that it will replace the second and third in my turn based loving heart.

The gameplay mechanics, both in the turn based battles and on the strategic map, are solid and the game looks pretty great but the overall feeling is that it lacks a bit of soul, with a story that makes little sense and an overall art style that seems too clean and stylized for this series.

Long term fans of the Heroes franchise should pick this up just to polish their skills and see how the future looks for their favorite series while those who are new to this game universe would be well served by tracking down a copy of the complete edition of Heroes of Might & Magic III and playing that and moving on to VI only if they fall in love with what they see and play.

GeekSailor, scoreless.

Summing up, whether you are a veteran of the series or not, I should not miss Might & Magic: Heroes VI. It’s true it has some technical issues, annoying bugs, missions that you simply can’t complete, it kills your Internet connection, but it has 40+ hours of campaign and an interesting story, Hot Seat and a multiplayer mode that offers diversity. But hope never dies, so all we can do is hope that the add-on will arrive soon or that the seventh game of the franchise will learn from past mistakes.

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