Might & Magic Heroes VI Review

English reviews for Ubisoft and Black Hole Entertainment’s Might & Magic Heroes VI are slowly but steadily coming out, the latest being this piece from Metro, which awards the strategy title a middling 6/10 noting it can be extremely difficult and confusing for newcomers. Here’s a sampling:

For most fans though the lengthy set of single-player campaigns are just an elongated tutorial for the multiplayer, which can be played either online or taking turns on the same PC. There’s a mission editor too if you really get obsessed with it all, but we really can’t say we ever did.

Made by Hungarian developer Black Hole Entertainment and aimed primarily at the Eastern European PC market this is a spitefully difficult game that’s almost unplayable for newcomers in anything but Easy mode. It’s also very poorly balanced in terms of the different units and apart from a time limit in multiplayer play the battles seem to be purposefully designed to run as slowly as possible.

And yet it’s clearly a game that has been designed with a lot of tender loving care, with some great artwork, a good quality soundtrack and laughably awful dialogue and voiceovers (well, you can’t have everything – maybe it was better in the original Hungarian).

No game franchise lasts 25 years without some redeeming qualities though and as niche as it may be Might & Magic Heroes VI is clearly meant to be this way – and whether you like the game or not we find that very admirable.

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