Might & Magic Heroes VI Review

Ubisoft and Black Hole’s Might & Magic Heroes VI will finally make its way to our hard drives tomorrow, and that means that the review embargo is finally starting to lift. Unfortunately, the only critique I can find on the web at the moment is this “noob’s eye review” on Atomic that awards the game a 75% despite the author clearly stating that this type of game isn’t his “cup of tea”:

…if I wanted turn-based hot-seat play I’d just unpack my figures and have a friend around for that; because that’s what games like HOMM are to me bastardised wargaming and a throwback to when computer games HAD to have limits like turns, set moves and grid-based maps. Sure, there’s the whole exploration and building side of the game, too, but that’s really not the meat of the game; you’ll spend far more time moving units around a squared grid and waiting for your turn than in opening up map areas.

The story might be worth exploring for some, but even then, as far as we can tell the game focuses on arguably the most boring faction, and you’re still forced to play the interminable (or maybe it just feels that way) tutorial before getting into the marginally more interesting faction-based scenarios.

As it stands, however, there really is nothing wrong with Might and Magic VI: Heroes. This is easily a case of it simply not being a game for us; but just exploring why that’s the case has been kind of interesting hopefully for you too.

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