Might & Magic Heroes VI Delayed Again

Ubisoft’s Might & Magic team has communicated through their official forums that, in order to address the feedback they’ve received so far by players of the beta, Might & Magic Heroes VI has been delayed again, this time moving the release date to October 13th, making this delay a little longer than a month.

Hello Heroes,

During the first phase of the Beta you were very active and provided us with very valuable feedback: your suggestions about general balance, factions balance and bug reports were very useful to us. Thank you!

Thus, we took the decision to delay the release of Might & Magic Heroes VI in order to secure a bit more time for the dev team to take into account your comments and deliver the best quality game.

Might & Magic Heroes VI will be released on October 13th.

The Beta will reopen on August 16th. All fans who preordered the game via a regular retailer or won a key in a community contest will be able to play. During this second phase of the Beta more maps (solo and multi) and features will be available. We will keep you informed about it in our further news.

Best regards,

The M&M’s team

This is the second time the title has been delayed, the first time the game missed its June release date and was moved to September.

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