Midgard Interview

In more Midgard news, Voodoo Extreme has posted up an interview with its producer, Ragnar Tornquist. The interview sheds light on what exactly Funcom’s plans are for the upcoming MMORPG:

    Voodoo Extreme – Funcom is just about to release Anarchy Online. Why was the decision made to begin work on another massively multiplayer game?

    Ragnar Tornquist – Midgard isn’t just “another massively multiplayer game”! It’s actually very different from Anarchy Online and other, more traditional online role-playing games. So it’s not a case of simply giving AO a new wrapping and sticking some horns on the box. While there’s certain to be some cross-over appeal with fans of existing MMORPGs, our hope is that Midgard will appeal to gamers who haven’t yet found a good reason to try out massively multiplayer games.

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